Sunday, April 22, 2007

Patient Update April 22, 2007

Patient spent 4 days in hospital as a result of calling police to the home for poisoning. Police realized this was 5th time visiting residence for psychosis. We had asked Patient to return to neurologist for checkup EEG and possible alternative meds for seizure. Patient was failing to make appointment. At this point I am livid. Here's why...

Dr. (original neurologist) had nothing to go on - although aware of seizures, no diagnosis. Had another EEG taken.

The Patient was delivered psych hospital last night at 11:00PM involuntary status.

The egotistical Dr. calls into question our desire to be involved with monitoring the quality of the Patient's care and does not comment on the faxed study or questions about prescribing Lamotrigine - ignored.

It now appears that a social worker at the hospital and a dr. at the psych hospital were involved in the transfer. Damaging meds are prescribed that took the patient three months to recover from. The family has provided the psych hospital system this warning - to HALT RISPERDAL IMMEDIATELY. They claim to have not seen the fax the next day. Three days later during a visit a member of the family sees the fax in a binder a RN is flipping through. Hmmm.

RN calls SW and says following this evening:

*Patient signed info release on paper to allow family status info.

*Patient is prescribed the following meds:

*Ativan (like Valium) anti-anxiety

*Tegretol (carbamazepine) Tegretol is an antiepileptic drug. Types of seizures treated with Tegretol include: grand mal, focal, psychomotor and mixed (seizures that include complex partial or grand mal seizures). Absence seizures (petit mal) do not respond to Tegretol.

*unknown antibiotic

*Risperdal at bed time! - caused Patients tardive and syptoms which included:
hallucinations audio and visual
had no dynamic conversation
had severe dizziness
had poor balance
had severely slowed motor movement
had severe tardive symptoms, eyes felt clamped shut, arms protruding in front of body
had no personality
had inability to discern emotion and social cues
had trouble making sentences
never started conversation
had inability to keep her eyes open
had nausea
and considering patients taking Risperdal are 50% risk for Diabetes - the family is demanding immediate halt of Risperdal. If the goal is to heal Patient, it must be stopped.

AND Patient presently being held involuntarily. Now ask yourself what happens to "second opinion"

-edited Friday 27th with updates

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