Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Patient Update January 10, 2007

Patient has been on Am and PM 475mg Kavinace daily for second week, first week PM only daily. Dizziness under control. Keeping the routine and the schedule on track is supportive for controlling the dizziness. Exercise on treadmill is daily for 10-15 minutes.

Minimum required exercise is 3 times a week for generating new brain cells. Challenging those cells with new learning and socialization helps integrate them permanently.

During the past week, 1,000 mg L-Carnosine (500mg am / 500mg pm) was taken and Patient had elevated levels of paranoia. L-Carnosine is said to have support affect on serotonin and dopamine. In the past, this Patient had elevated paranoia while on antidepressents. The 1,000mg has been reduced to 250mg once in AM for the next week. The intention was to have 500mg in AM, not 1,000mg which the Patient self administered. If paranoia reduces on the 250mg L-Carnosine, it will remain, otherwise it will be dropped to 100mg or eliminated. (update 1-13-07: Patient reported on 1-12-07 having difficulty exhaling, having tight chest - during the week long period of 1,000mg and this symptom is no longer present on 250mg after one day.)

L-Theanine 100mg has also been taken during the past week and will continue once in AM daily with regular supplements. (UPDATE 2-24-2007 Theanine caused elevated dopamine levels and paranoia so we have discontinued Theanine for this Patient.)

Sorry for the long delay in posting updates. Daily progress checks have been handled by phone over the period without posts. The progress has been consistent, slow, and positive. Mood appears to be improving. Still, there are good days and bad days for paranoia symptoms, but especially elevated over the past week on large 1,000 mg L-Carnosine-now reduced.


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