"Absorbing as much of the information as she could, she decided that she wanted a change for her son. She found the scientific information referenced in the article, “absolutely amazing”, and she was determined to try a natural approach. On her own she began giving her son supplements that were discussed in the article. She started him on 1000 mg of omega-3, 400 IUs of vitamin E, 500 mg L-Carnosine, 500 mg L-Glutamine, selenium, Vitamin C, zinc, and B-complex."(1.)
"She made changes in his diet, eliminating dairy and wheat and all processed food, which Jonathan frequently ate. “Now that I look back at it he had an awful diet.” She switched to all organic food and began using filtered water. She also started reducing the amount of Jonathan’s medication."(1.)
"Within two weeks Jonathan started showing some amazing changes. Denise noticed improved eye contact and increased “clarity”. He suddenly became more focused and articulate. He had more patience playing games and wasn’t as angry. Jonathan also began singing, something that he never really did before. Denise was happy and surprised, “He’s actually singing! Oh my God he’s singing!”(1.)
(1.) http://www.healthsentinel.com/org_news.php?id=111&title=Reversing%20autism%20and%20seizures%20?%20Jonathan?s%20story&event=org_news_print_list_item