We were told by Patient that at a young age (10), with bare hands, the Patient had played with Mercury from a broken thermometer. So, I am researching what effect Mercury would have on the Patient.
"The "silver" fillings in your teeth - Dental Amalgams - are still widely used by the dental profession in most parts of the world. The "Amalgam" consists of a mix of metals - Generally 50% Mercury, 35% Silver, 15% Tin and other metals. But is it safe to put so much Mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal known to man, into the mouth of a person? There is now a growing mountain of evidence that it is NOT safe to do so."(1.)
"Mercury Destroys Brain Cells. Dr. Boyd Haley, Ph.D., a biochemist at the University of Kentucky, is probably one of the world's top experts on mercury toxicity. Hear this fascinating review of the irrefutable evidence that links mercury toxicity to Autism and Alzheimer's disease."(1.)
"Mercury in vaccines - One hundred years ago, children received 1 vaccine (the smallpox vaccine). Forty years ago, children received 5 vaccines routinely (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and smallpox vaccines) and as many as 8 shots by 2 years of age. Children now receive 52 vaccines, in the form of 15 shots, by the time they are 6 months of age if they receive all the recommend shots, including the Prevnar pediatric pneumonia shot. Vaccines contain THIMERSOL (mercury), MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, sucrose and phenoxyethanol, which is antifreeze, among many other things. Thimerosal, a vaccine ingredient, is nearly 50% mercury. Mercury is a NEUROTOXIN. EPA 'safe' levels are: .1 microgram per 1.0 kilogram of body weight per day. Vaccines contain 12.5 to 25.0 micrograms of mercury, and a 'well baby' visit can see your child have between 50 and 62.5 mcgs of MERCURY injected into their bloodstream. The CDC (US) has found a trend linking autism to mercury laden vaccines. Thimerosal is a registered pesticide with the Department of Pesticide Registration of the Environmental Protection Agency."(1.)
[soon to be completed]
Links of Interest:
Mercury Autism http://hatingautism.blogspot.com/2006/10/mercury-caused-autism-epidemic-please.html
(1.) Is Mercury Amalgam Fillings slowly poisoning us?